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The Evolution of Food

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Our raw materials are sourced from small farmers in the rural communities from various parts of Nigeria. Our plants are grown naturally and organically with respect to passed down traditions and with love and respect to the earth. Our farmers are mostly women and, it is because of them amongst others, that we are able to create beautiful healthy foods we offer.

Our Story

“Health is wealth” is a saying we have all heard. Of all the gifts we could ask for, good health is at the top of that list, and eating clean is the key to achieving good health.

In a world of processed foods and additives, we have chosen to be a beacon of light. With so much food growing from the earth naturally, it is a wonder that most of our food today contain so many toxins and chemicals which have caused a myriad of diseases. 

Oleanderlife brings you natural food products with no additives nor preservatives. Our foods are offered just the way Mother Nature made them. We make seasonal fruits available all year, we preserve your culinary herbs in their freshest state, and we bring you powdered superfoods in their best forms. 

Grown naturally out of African soils, our foods are organic and non-GMO. We aim to create high quality freeze-dried food products that you can trust, and we do these while helping to reduce post-harvest losses and  food wastage. 

As a brand founded by a woman, we are committed to the upliftment of women especially the most vulnerable in the rural communities: By giving them a source of income and some financial power, we are able to impact the quality of their lives, an that of their families, ultimately contributing to bridging the gender gap, which is a huge margin in Africa.

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